Monday, September 05, 2016

The Brandmeister digital network live.

It is fascinating to watch the live Brandmeister digital radio network in action.

This screen capture shows the structure - the stars are the users (click to see the callsigns) the yellow circles are the repeaters and the petals represent the countries all connected to a very busy hub.

(click on the above for a clear image)

Ofcom issue recommendations for a UK HAREC certificate

Following discussions with Ofcom, the RSGB has agreed to issue a UK HAREC alongside every new UK advanced examination pass certificate from 5 Sept 2016. This simplifies the existing process where a separate application to Ofcom was required. The process for existing licence holders remains unchanged at this time.
A Harmonised Amateur Radio Examination Certificate (HAREC) is required for UK radio amateurs who would like to apply for an amateur radio licence in another country that participates in CEPT Recommendation T/R 61-02.