This Wednesday (23-Apr-08) Simon famous for the Ham Radio Deluxe and Digimaster 780 software will be visiting the Foxdale shack; if you have any questions about HRD why not pop along and have a chat and a cup of tea with Simon.
This blog is maintained as a resource for those individuals interested in Amateur Radio.
Following the meeting about emergency communications held at the shack this week, it is our intension that all MEC members should have appropriate insurance and undertake suitable training for their role within the group. This involves the group and its members joining the "Radio Amateurs Emergency Network (RAYNET)". All members need to pay the insurance/membership fee of £7.20 a year. There are many other advantages to joining this group and this can be seen from "www.raynet-uk.net/main/".
Application forms and agreement forms can be obtained from "http://homepages.manx.net/butler/RAYNET application form.pdf" and
"http://homepages.manx.net/butler/RAYNET agreement form.pdf" and should be completed and sent by email to "raynet@manx.net" or posted to RAYNET, 15 Church Close, Lonan, IM4 7JY; or just bring them along to the shack. Membership payment should be made to 2D0HEB our treasurer (money puts a smile on his face!).
Any questions can be sent to the above email address.
Secretary MEC
Please remember that this Wednesday 16-April-08 @ 19:30hrs the second meeting of “Manx Emergency Communications” will take place at the Foxdale shack.
The attached circular has been sent by the RSGB to Society/Club secretaries and it talks about changes underway to amalgamate all the different emergency communications groups.
Interestingly our committee was discussing these issues at the last meeting.
Recent discussions have taken place about the possibility of having a mobile shack on the
I attach details of one member’s suggestion.