Saturday, March 31, 2012

News from the RSGB

a) Individual insurance arrangements formerly through Bluefin:

Following the previous announcements about the withdrawal of Bluefin from the amateur radio insurance on the 31st March 2012 (for new policies and renewals), the Society is pleased to announce that two brokers are now offering insurance cover for radio amateurs. Whilst we do not and cannot recommend or endorse insurance companies, we can confirm the details as follows:

South West Broking Ltd

This company is offering insurance that has been negotiated specifically for amateur radio enthusiasts. They have gained the commitment of an insurer within Lloyd’s of London who offer cover for both radio equipment and third party liability insurance. Cover is available to both individual members and clubs.

Contact: Julian Dent of South West Broking Ltd. On 01454 806503 or by email and they will be pleased to provide further information.


A specialist insurance cover is also now available from a company Quotedesk. They are offering an all risk cover for your Amateur radio equipment along with Public Liability cover.

Contact: Phone +44 (0) 845 073 7137 or visit

b) Public liability Insurance for beacons and repeaters.

This policy expires today. Earlier this week we were told that the insurer (AXA) wanted to decommit from the business. They were embarrassed that, despite the renewal having been under discussion for weeks, they bounced this on us. They have now agreed to extend existing cover for a 14 day period and we have a proposal with them now which I hope will solve the problem.

c) NoVs for beacons

A large number of NoVs for beacons expire 31 March. We have agreed with Ofcom a process for extending existing NoVs until 31 December 2012, to allow an orderly issuing of new NoVs. Sadly the extension NoV wording has been delayed in Ofcom, and we now expect it next week. As soon as it is available we will go live with a portal on the RSGB website which will be similar to the NoVs for GQ and GO calls, which will allow beacon keepers to extend their NoVs through a webform.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

New QRP FT818 from Yaesu with 70Mhz


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

RSGB second announcement on Bluefin amateur radio insurance

On the 9 March we announced that the RSGB had learnt that Bluefin, also known as Amateur Radio Insurance Services, was leaving the amateur radio insurance market. Prior to this Bluefin had advised the Society of their intention to move the existing insurance business to a new underwriter and broker. Unfortunately it appears that they were not successful in this which has resulted in them writing to their customers informing them that they will not be taking on any new amateur radio insurance business or renewing existing policies when they expire.

The RSGB has no direct involvement with amateur radio insurance and this announcement was unexpected.

The RSGB is aware that other brokers are interested in offering amateur radio insurance and hopes that an announcement on a new insurance provider might be made by the 31 March when Bluefin ceases to take on new business. We will keep members informed of any developments.

Thursday, March 08, 2012

USA New Frequencies 60 Meter Band

As of March 5, US amateurs have new privileges on the 60 meter band. In addition to an increase in effective radiated power from 50 to 100 W, hams can now transmit CW and PSK31 on the following channel-center frequencies:

Channel 1: 5332.0 kHz
Channel 2: 5348.0 kHz
Channel 3: 5358.5 kHz
Channel 4: 5373.0 kHz
Channel 5: 5405.0 kHz
Amateurs can also transmit USB voice and PACTOR III on the following suppressed carrier frequencies (the frequencies typically shown on transceiver displays):

Channel 1: 5330.5 kHz
Channel 2: 5346.5 kHz
Channel 3: 5357.0 kHz
Channel 4: 5371.5 kHz
Channel 5: 5403.5 kHz

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Looking into the future with Yaesu

And interesting discussion about possible new developments from Yaesu.

New Developments from Yaesu

Twisted' waves could boost capacity of Wi-Fi and TV

Improve radio wave performance!!

Twisted Waves