Saturday, December 19, 2015

UK Spectrum Usage and Demand

A new document has been issued which considers the use of the radio spectrum in the UK. This interesting document has a section on Amateur Radio spectrum usage;
3.11 Amateur radio
Sector scope: A wide range of applications, all of which use designated frequency bands for strictly non-commercial activities. Radio amateurs are licensed based on their passing certain tests, and despite their non-commercial activities may be as experienced and well trained as professional radio users.
Pinch-points: 14
UK Spectrum Usage & Demand: Second Edition Summary Report v3 Issue date: 16 December 2015.
1. The main issue in most areas of the spectrum is interference, especially as many AR communications use weak signals
2. In HF and VHF congestion has reduced due to lower demand from other users, although noise floors continue to increase.
3. In UHF and higher bands congestion is increasing due to greater amateur usage from digital repeaters, demands from defence usage and loss of spectrum to commercial users.
4. The RSGB believes current AR primary allocations are insufficient and there are no primary allocations between 400 MHz and 24 GHz, threatening confidence, investment and growth in AR.The problem is greatest for satellite transponders, EME and narrowband terrestrial systems.
5. Additional spectrum is needed to relieve digital voice congestion, enable new technology experimentation, introduce and extend digital TV, introduce new data modes and higher speed data technologies and to continue to enable the UK’s lead in small satellites

The full document can be downloaded from:
Spectrum Use

The page asks for your personal details before downloading, but any information will get you to the download page (PDF file).

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