Malaysian floods get MARTS emcomm help
Severe flooding described as the worst for a long time in the north of
Malaysia during the monsoon season, has taken five lives with about
160,000 people evacuated.
Johnny Tan 9M8DB of the Malaysian Amateur Radio Transmitters' Society
(MARTS) says emcomm operators are active on 7.110 MHz, with 3.600MHz
likely to be tested for late night links to maintain links to handle
disaster traffic.
MARTS asks all to avoid causing QRM of these centre-of-activity
emergency frequencies. He reports that the 50w stations are in Kuala
Lumpur, Kuantan, Kemaman and Bachok with 50 watts using NVIS
Johnny 9M8DB says initially VHF/UHF repeaters were used, but severe
flooding had affected power supply and batteries with the switch to HF
being made.
Official recognition has received including permission for the MARTS emcomm operations to carry third party traffic.
In some places rescuers are faced with rows of house rooftops popping up
from muddy water. Seasonal flooding hits Malaysia this time each year,
but experts describe it as being the worst since at least 2004, and
communications have also been badly hit.
Meanwhile in neighbouring Thailand, disaster zones have been declared in
eight southern provinces after floods there killed at least 13 people
with 184,000 households affected.
Jim Linton VK3PC
Chairman IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Committee
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Friday, December 26, 2014
I'm not ignoring you, I'm listening 10 up
(Please click on the above for a clear view)
Many thanks to Southgate Amateur Radio News for this article.
Friday, December 19, 2014
Friday, December 12, 2014
Tuesday, December 09, 2014
An interesting wind map.
Would you like to know in advance when your tower needs to be taken down or when its too windy to play radio from the local mountain - if so take a look at this interesting world map of the wind.
Wind Map
Wind Map
Monday, November 24, 2014
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Amateur Radio Advanced Examination
The British Advanced Amateur Radio Examination can only be taken on fixed dates and times, this schedule is set out in the RSGB Instructors' newsletter and the following timetable covers the next 2 years:
(Click on the above schedule for a clear image)
Friday, November 07, 2014
After some considerable time and many negotiating meetings the Rockall DX Group are to operate from Iran in January 2015. For further information and facilities to donate to the group please go to their website:
Monday, November 03, 2014
12 indian cities and towns have their names changed.
The Hindu (Indian news paper) reports that from 1st November 12 cities will change their names as follows:
(Click on the above for a clear image)
Your logbook details may may need new spellings after contact with Indian station.
Friday, October 31, 2014
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Signal Identification
Using modern SDR equipment the waterfall in your software often shows signals you are not familiar with; this useful web page helps you identify the signal by its waterfall image and sound.
Maidenhead Converter
A nice little app for your iPad is now available called the "Maidenhead Converter" it is written by Donald Hays and is very useful for those mobile operators who wish to report their current location.
The app is free but you can pay a small fee to remove the adverts.
The app is free but you can pay a small fee to remove the adverts.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
New allocation on 146-147 MHz - but not on the Isle of Man!
The RSGB VHF manager (G4SWX) recently presented information about the new allocation of 146-147 MHz to be allowed for UK licence holders; but it seems that this allocation will not be allowed to the Isle of Man, Guernsey or Jersey.
It seems like we are considered to be on the "High Seas".
It seems like we are considered to be on the "High Seas".
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
The latest number of British licences (Oct 2014 - OFCOM information)
How many British Amateur Radio licence holders are there and how many actually operate on the bands?
This question has always been unknown but OFCOM (the licencing authority) issue regular information; here are their latest figures.
This question has always been unknown but OFCOM (the licencing authority) issue regular information; here are their latest figures.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Tuesday, October 07, 2014
Sunday, October 05, 2014
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
JOTA (SCOUTS) on the air
Have you registered your JOTA station yet? this World wide event brings millions of scouts in contact with amateur radio. I hope you will join them on the air!
17-19th October 2014
Thursday, September 25, 2014
UK/British bandplans from RSGB
Are you familiar with the latest UK/British band plans, if not have a look at the RSGB online facility. All you do is select the band of interest and you will see the latest bandplan.
Band Plans
Band Plans
The future of IOTA
Plans to bring up to date the IOTA programme and ensure its continuation for the next 50 yrs are now being considered by RSGB. Read the interesting article on this matter:
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Why Amateur Radio is growing in the USA
An interesting perspective on the growth of Amateur Radio in the USA.
ARRLThanks to ARRL for this article.
Saturday, September 06, 2014
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Russian Military splattering all over 14 MHz Band
The IARU monitoring report for July 2014 makes interesting reading and clearly demonstrates how the Amateur Bands are abused by many countries.
IARU Report
IARU Report
Tuesday, August 05, 2014
Friday, August 01, 2014
Listen out for GB1418WAR throughout August 2014.
This Callsign will be active for the whole months on 1.8 to 28MHZ Bands, predominantly SSB but with the occasional CW. There will be no DATA operation.
The Callsign is a tribute to all those who suffered and lost their lives in the War.
The QSL Card is of special importance to the Operator as it shows his great uncle who himself ldied whilst serving his Country in the First World War.
The fastest way to receive any QSL Card I manage is to request them via M0OXO OQRS
Pages visited by Internet users from Turkey?
Over the last few days I have seen visits to the blog from Turkey, it seems that TA...... callsigns are taking a sudden interest in the Isle of Man Amateur Radio Blog?
I wonder why - please let me know in the comments section.
Regardless of the reason you are very welcome!
I wonder why - please let me know in the comments section.
Regardless of the reason you are very welcome!
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Use your callsign as an alternative name on Facebook
(Click on the above for a clear image)
Following an amateur radio petition to Facebook you can now use your callsign as personal identification.
Go to your Home page click on the down arrow and select "settings"
Click on "edit name"
Complete "Alternative Name"
Tick to include this on your Timeline
Save the changes with your Facebook password.
Your callsign will appear in brackets after your name.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Going to Moldova for your holiday? take your radio.
International Amateur Radio Union Region 1 reports that Moldova has signed the pan-European CEPT Novice and Class 1 amateur radio license agreement.
The CEPT Radio Amateur License Class 1 corresponds to the United States Extra and United Kingdom’s Advanced and Full licenses. The CEPT Novice License is closely compatible to the Unites States General and UK Intermediate license.
There is also a CEPT entry class license which equate to the United States Technician and United Kingdom Foundation class, however Moldavia is not joining in that entry level system. At least not at this time. (IARU-R1)
International Amateur Radio Union Region 1 reports that Moldova has signed the pan-European CEPT Novice and Class 1 amateur radio license agreement.
The CEPT Radio Amateur License Class 1 corresponds to the United States Extra and United Kingdom’s Advanced and Full licenses. The CEPT Novice License is closely compatible to the Unites States General and UK Intermediate license.
There is also a CEPT entry class license which equate to the United States Technician and United Kingdom Foundation class, however Moldavia is not joining in that entry level system. At least not at this time. (IARU-R1)
Friday, July 11, 2014
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Saturday, June 07, 2014
Examination dates for 2014/15
(Click on the above for a clear image)
Thinking of taking the full British Licence, above are the examination dates you need to be ready for.
Sunday, May 25, 2014
CQ Magazine at a great price via "Zinio"
Just purchased CQ Magazine at a bargain price (£7.99) for 12 issues from
They have a vast range of digital magazines with some very good offers.
They have a vast range of digital magazines with some very good offers.
(Click on the above image for easy reading)
Cuba to get 5 Mhz licences.
Cuba will be allowed to use 60m, but will only be allowed to talk to each other; international contacts will not be permitted.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Harry MD0HEB an old friend passed away this morning.
Harry Blackburn MD0HEB a very close friend, passed away in the early hours of this morning, A silent key who will be missed by many in the Amateur Radio World. R.I.P Harry.
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Wessex Contest Group Visits the Isle of Man
The Wessex contest group are here using the callsign MT0WCB, have a look at their station and their happy faces.
Wessex Contest Group
Wessex Contest Group
Saturday, May 10, 2014
GT8IOM comes in the top 10 for the 2013 ARRL DX contest (Phone)
(Click on the above for a clear image)
GT8IOM makes the headlines once again!
Well done to the Island operators who obtained good results in this World wide phone contest.
Google "arrl dx phone contest 2013" for the PDF file containing all the results.
Thursday, May 08, 2014
WAB Squares on the Isle of Man
It seems a long time since I have been asked for my WAB Square, but it happened tonight and I could not remember the square. Some years ago I created a map which marked out the WAB Squares on the Island and having searched and found it I thought I should share the information.
(Click on the picture for a clear image)
Tuesday, May 06, 2014
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Friday, April 18, 2014
The UK's first TV show for Amateur Radio
TX Factor is a new TV show produced by broadcast professionals who are also radio amateurs.
The programme is free to view and can be streamed to your smart TV, PC, Tablet or Phone.
This is a very high quality show well worth watching.
TX Factor
The programme is free to view and can be streamed to your smart TV, PC, Tablet or Phone.
This is a very high quality show well worth watching.
TX Factor

Saturday, April 12, 2014
A message from our repeater keeper.
The following information has been received from the Isle of Man repeater keeper Dave GD4HOZ.
Repeaters IOM
"On Monday and Tuesday of next week (14-15 April 2014), the DHA (Government) will be carrying out routine electrical inspection work at Snaefell. This will necessarily involve the isolation of the mains supply to site users’ equipment including ours.
Last summer I installed a range of new equipment on Snaefell to protect us from power failures, and to provide a means to remotely control the power to various items of equipment. This can be seen in the photo attached.
The Compaq UPS is rated at 1500VA and should easily power ‘GD and ‘IM for the duration of the planned outage. Ordinarily, the UPS will only need to cover the interval between mains failure and the startup of the generator, which should be less than a minute. On this occasion, the outage will be up to half an hour, so the batteries will get a good run!
With these facilities in place, I do not anticipate any downtime but it’s as well to let people know."
Repeaters IOM
"On Monday and Tuesday of next week (14-15 April 2014), the DHA (Government) will be carrying out routine electrical inspection work at Snaefell. This will necessarily involve the isolation of the mains supply to site users’ equipment including ours.
Last summer I installed a range of new equipment on Snaefell to protect us from power failures, and to provide a means to remotely control the power to various items of equipment. This can be seen in the photo attached.
The Compaq UPS is rated at 1500VA and should easily power ‘GD and ‘IM for the duration of the planned outage. Ordinarily, the UPS will only need to cover the interval between mains failure and the startup of the generator, which should be less than a minute. On this occasion, the outage will be up to half an hour, so the batteries will get a good run!
With these facilities in place, I do not anticipate any downtime but it’s as well to let people know."
Friday, April 11, 2014
Tuesday, April 08, 2014
Microsoft stops support for windows XP and Office 2003
Microsoft’s support for two major products ends today: Windows XP and
Office 2003. As a result, the company will no longer release security
updates for either of the two, and it recommends users who still use
either to get a newer version.
If you’re wondering why April 8, 2014 is the date support for both of these products ends, it’s really quite simple. Microsoft releases regular patches on Patch Tuesday, the second Tuesday of every month.
Microsoft supports its products for many years, and depending on when service packs as well as successors are released, the company eventually announces, in advance, when it will cut off support. April 8 happens to be the last Patch Tuesday for both products, meaning if security holes are found after today’s date, they won’t be plugged.
If you are still using these products now is the time to think about upgrading and becoming less vulnerable to attack.
If you’re wondering why April 8, 2014 is the date support for both of these products ends, it’s really quite simple. Microsoft releases regular patches on Patch Tuesday, the second Tuesday of every month.
Microsoft supports its products for many years, and depending on when service packs as well as successors are released, the company eventually announces, in advance, when it will cut off support. April 8 happens to be the last Patch Tuesday for both products, meaning if security holes are found after today’s date, they won’t be plugged.
If you are still using these products now is the time to think about upgrading and becoming less vulnerable to attack.
Monday, April 07, 2014
Sunday, April 06, 2014
Contest Group are to visit the Isle of Man
(Click on the above for a clear view of the image)
The Isle of Man is a great place for a DXpedition and we hope the group have a good trip and lots of good contacts.
Their facebook page is:
Thursday, April 03, 2014
Tuesday, April 01, 2014
Monday, March 31, 2014
UK repeaters will be switched off over night due to lack of use.
The Leicestershire Repeater Group have taken the decision at their most recent committee meeting, due to falling membership, to limit the hours of operation of the repeaters GB3CF (2m), GB3GV (23cm TV), GB3LE (70cm) and GB3UM (6m) to conserve funds. As a result, the repeaters are now switched off overnight between the hours of 22.00 to 05.00. The beacons GB3LEX and GB3LES continue to operate 24 hours a day.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
$12,000 fine for keying on ch 19 CB Radio
An American CB user faces a large fine for keying over Ch 19 with his CB radio.
(click on the above image for a clearer view)
Many thanks to ARRL for this news item.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Ham Radio now - Band Planning for Digital Radio
Here is a very interesting discussion about band planning for the future digital modes and further discussion about the possible future of amateur radio.
Well worth watching and spending an hour of you precious time!
Ham Radio Now
Well worth watching and spending an hour of you precious time!
Ham Radio Now
Saturday, March 22, 2014
UK Amatures may be getting an extension to the 2m band?
(Click on the above text for a clear immage)
(Thanks to Southgate ARS News for this information)
Current UK band plan overs
144.000 – 146.000MHz
Friday, March 21, 2014
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Monday, March 17, 2014
A welcome note from our repeater keeper (Dave gd4hoz)
Last week, the communications division rigger was able to reinstate our antenna at its temporary location on the west leg of the Snaefell tower. Today (17-03-04), the final termination of the cable was completed and the two repeaters – GB3GD and GB3IM-S – were once again back on the air at about 14:30.
Signals appear to be good so far, with a couple of Irish stations heard shortly after we came back on the air.
DX, in the shape of 2D0FHG operating from his porch, was also heard on ‘GD!
We still have some intermod problems with GB3GD, and we plan to visit the site again once the trams are running in order to attempt an investigation.
It is hoped that the summer will afford an opportunity to have the antenna re-located to a more favourable position.
In the meantime, thanks are due to those who helped to get us going again.
This is very good news for the Isle of Man and amateur radio around our location; we all look towards lots of enjoyable repeater use.
Signals appear to be good so far, with a couple of Irish stations heard shortly after we came back on the air.
DX, in the shape of 2D0FHG operating from his porch, was also heard on ‘GD!
We still have some intermod problems with GB3GD, and we plan to visit the site again once the trams are running in order to attempt an investigation.
It is hoped that the summer will afford an opportunity to have the antenna re-located to a more favourable position.
In the meantime, thanks are due to those who helped to get us going again.
This is very good news for the Isle of Man and amateur radio around our location; we all look towards lots of enjoyable repeater use.
(Click above for a clear image)
Friday, March 14, 2014
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Amateur radio plays a part in support communications for the missing Malaysian aircraft emergency.
Following the mysterious disappearance of the Malaysian Airline
Boeing 777-200ER jetliner with 239 passengers aboard, the airline’s
Emergency Management Centre (EMC) at Kuala Lumpur Airport provided hotel
accommodations for next of kin.
The Malaysian Amateur Radio Transmitters' Society (MARTS) President, Mohd Aris Bernawi, 9M2IR, said his organization was asked to provide a link between the airport and the hotel.
MARTS quickly set up a station, led by Zanirul Akhmal Zanirun, 9M2PRO, with Azizi Samsuri, 9W2ZZE, as the airline’s team leader.
The Negeri Sembilan Amateur Radio Club (NESRAC) provided volunteers for the station at the EMC. MARTS set up a cross-band VHF/UHF link to avoid any unnecessary interference to and from public service communications, and an HF link was added later. During the callout 11 Amateur Radio volunteers were at the EMC and 23 volunteers at the hotel.
9M2IR, who oversaw the entire process, said MARTS — an IARU member-society — was pleased to be able provide the communication link as the search for flight MH370 continues. — Thanks to Jim Linton, VK3PC, Chairman IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Committee
The Malaysian Amateur Radio Transmitters' Society (MARTS) President, Mohd Aris Bernawi, 9M2IR, said his organization was asked to provide a link between the airport and the hotel.
MARTS quickly set up a station, led by Zanirul Akhmal Zanirun, 9M2PRO, with Azizi Samsuri, 9W2ZZE, as the airline’s team leader.
The Negeri Sembilan Amateur Radio Club (NESRAC) provided volunteers for the station at the EMC. MARTS set up a cross-band VHF/UHF link to avoid any unnecessary interference to and from public service communications, and an HF link was added later. During the callout 11 Amateur Radio volunteers were at the EMC and 23 volunteers at the hotel.
9M2IR, who oversaw the entire process, said MARTS — an IARU member-society — was pleased to be able provide the communication link as the search for flight MH370 continues. — Thanks to Jim Linton, VK3PC, Chairman IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Committee
Monday, March 10, 2014
Why not try the Irish Amateur Radio Examination Paper
Using the following link will take you to a PDF file giving a sample Irish examination.
Why not give it a go and see how many questions you can answer.
Irish Examination Paper
Why not give it a go and see how many questions you can answer.
Irish Examination Paper
Wednesday, March 05, 2014
A new website about the history of a USA amateur.
I wonder if anyone knows this callsign, the QSL card is to be found on a new historical Amateur radio web site in the USA.
Use it or loose it!!
I wonder how many local Amateurs would be better loosing their licence and having a listening only licence?
(Click on the above for a better view)
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
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