Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Hear HF radio from the Nederlands
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Amateur Radio from Space
from Space
Space Bulletin 009 ARLS009
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington, CT December 18, 2008
To all radio amateurs
ARLS009 ARISS Finalizes Plans for Silver Anniversary of Amateur Radio
from Space
The Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) team is
currently celebrating the silver anniversary -- 25 years -- of Amateur
Radio operations from space. According to ARISS International Chairman
Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, the crew on the International Space Station (ISS)
has configured the radio to support cross-band repeater operations.
They have also supported some SSTV downlinks and participated in a
special test of 9600 baud packet radio operations on the simplex
frequency of 145.825 MHz.
After December 19, Bauer said he expects the ISS ham radio system to
be on the 145.825 MHz frequency supporting 1200 baud packet. If PCSAT
"During the week of December 21-26, we plan to support the cross-band
repeater mode with a twist," Bauer said. "Our intent is to configure
the radio for 145.99 MHz uplink -- including CTCSS tone of 67.0 and
437.80 MHz down. This will be performed in low power mode. We should
also note that an extra-vehicular activity (EVA) is planned for that
week -- Expedition 18 Commander Mike Fincke, KE5AIT, and Flight
Engineer Yury Lonchakov, RA3DT, plan to perform a spacewalk on
December 22. As per standard procedure, the ISS ham radio system will
be turned off for the EVA."
Bauer said that from December 28-January 3, the cross-band repeater
will be reconfigured for what he called "a special experiment. This
will be a test of our L-Band uplink capability, which, to date, has
not been proven out. Plan for an uplink of 1269.65 MHz and a downlink
on the standard frequency of 145.80 MHz, using low power,"
he said. "Given the substantial cable losses of the L-band system, we
hope some 'big guns' are able to penetrate through, keep up with
Doppler and make the connection."
A special certificate is being developed for those who communicate
with the ISS from November 30, 2008 to January 15, 2009. This
certificate will be awarded to those who have had two-way
communications with the ISS on voice, packet (APRS) or through the
voice repeater. Those who hear the ISS from space in any of the ARISS
operations modes -- voice, SSTV, school contact, voice repeater or
digital - will also be eligible to receive a certificate.
To receive the certificate, Bauer said to note the ARISS mode of
operation (such as SSTV, voice or school) on your QSL and whether the
contact was one-way (receive only) or two-way. "You should send your
self-addressed, stamped envelope to the normal ARISS QSL volunteer
distributor in your area of the world," he explained. "On the outside
of the QSL envelope, please include the words '25th Anniversary
Certificate.' Make sure your envelope is big enough to accept an 8.5 x
11 inch certificate and includes the proper postage."
If you do not know where to send your QSL, check the ARISS Web site to
find the one that serves your part of the world.
"We will be sending your certificate to the volunteer distributors in
bulk after the event is over," Bauer said. "This saves workload and
money. So do not expect to see it until 1-2 months after the event
closes on January 15." Bauer reminded hams that due to ISS flight
requirements related to spacewalks and vehicle activity, the radio
onboard the ISS may be off for some portion of this schedule.
School contacts and general QSO opportunities by the crew will also
pre-empt this schedule for short periods of time. "But remember that if
you hear these," he said, "you still qualify for a commemorative
certificate. Enjoy the ARISS ops on ISS!"
Happy Christmas
New RAYNET - Isle of Man
Dear RAYNET Members
The purpose of this e-mail is to update you on recent changes with regard to “RAYNET Isle of Man”.
With effect from 9th December 2008 the old Raynet IOM group has been assimilated into a new “RAYNET Isle of Man”, a registered company name (Registered Company 012816B - http://www.fsc.gov.im/pvi/pvi_fr.html) which is affiliated to the RSGB and incorporated within the Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society.
These changes are fully supported by the Isle of Man Government (Emergency Planning/Civil Defence) and will allow for the development of an organisation more suited to undertaking the emergency communications needs on the Island.
The new arrangements also mean new people to communicate/liaise with and they are as follows:-
First call out officer - Stuart GD0OUD phone:-01624 613226
First call radio operators – Matty MD0MAN and Steve GD7DUZ
Group Secretary – John GD0NFN phone: - 07624 439213
E-mail:- raynet@manx.net
As the new group develops we hope to establish links with other RAYNET organisations and also improve our local, fixed radio communications facilities.
For all non-emergency communication/liaison with the group please contact the Secretary in the first instance.
Previous positions with titles similar to “Controller” are no longer valid positions within “RAYNET Isle of Man”.
For further information about the Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society please monitor www.iomars.blogspot.com.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Royal Airforce Amateur Radio Society

There is a brach of RAFARS on the Isle of Man; if you would like to read about their activity and plans click on the link.
Friday, December 05, 2008
60th AGM - Tuesday 9th December 2008
At the meeting all committee member will stand down and their positions will be available for re-election.
The AOB of the AGM will be use to propose an amendment to the Society constitution so that the "RAYNET - Isle of Man" group will be incorporated into the Society.
GD0NFN Secretary IOMARS.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Three Section Tower
please look at the following link for more information.
Or e-mail Kev at cavick@gmail.com
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
A winter project!

I have purchased this vehicle and will be turning into a mobile radio shack.
I am looking to find a way to fix a rotator so that I can carry pre assembled antennas on a short mast and fix it when I arrive at a site.
This is going to be my winter project , I also would like to know if I can run a monitor and my rotator control with a Inverter and what size I might need , any thoughts anyone?
I do have a generator if needed a small Honda one and could use that but at times it would be ideal to run from the vehicle battery system.
It would also be fitted out ready to go at anytime with all my radios and receivers so I don’t have to unpack it all so getting things fixed down is going to be a challenge.
I am hoping that if insurance can be obtained the Island RAYNET group might like to use the vehicle; it would be a shame having the thing sat at home when it could be needed.
Comments and offers of help to: - philsmith@manx.net
Sunday, November 16, 2008
60th AGM - Tuesday 9th December 2008
If you have any items of AOB you wish to submit for the meeting please send them to IOMARS@MANX.NET before Thursday 27th November 2008.
The AGM will be followed by an additional special meeting where it will be proposed to make a small amendment to the Society constitution.
GD0NFN Secretary IOMARS.
A new Forum for Amateur Radio Students
Sands Amateur Radio Contest group in Morecambe NW Lancashire
have produced a new Forum for Amateur Radio students.
Register and start to contribute to our examination training.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Society Meeting
The Secretary, the Treasurer and the Regional Representatives (except the Northern Rep.) have all served their two years in office and are eligible to stand down; if you have attended seven monthly Society meetings over the last year you could be voted on to the committee.
Also at Tuesdays meeting we are having a raffle (bring a prize, win a prize) please remember to bring a prize and join in the event.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Emergency Planning Presentations
IOM Communications
It doesn't happen on the IOM
Sunday, October 12, 2008
An Interesting Internet Site.
The Isle of Man is well represented and you can add you’re our images.
Geograph British Isles
Tuesday 14th October Tromode.
This will commence around 20:00 hrs.
All members and guests are welcome.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Morse Code has many uses.
This is clearly the way to do it!!!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Solar Wind Loses Power, Hits 50-year Low
Monday, September 22, 2008
Another Ham Search Facility
Saturday, September 20, 2008
A Fishy Tale
Thursday, September 11, 2008
A weekend at Eary Cushlin

Eary Cushlin House is a fine place to play radio, no RF noise and plenty of space to play with your favourite antenna. From Sat 20th September (lunch time) to Sunday after lunch the IOMARS will be staying at Eary Cushlin. Why not come along and enjoy radio, You need to bring some food and if you would like to stay over night bunk beds and a warm coal fire will be available.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Planning advice for RSGB members
Friday, August 15, 2008
Radio/Internet links
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Vision Powerline Adaptors
There are many reports of these devices causing severe interference to the HF spectrum and a UK Government petition has been started to have the devices removed from sale.
If you would like to consider signing the petition goto :-
I don’t’ know if these units are in use on the Island but if you know that they are can you please send me a comment. (To sec_iomars@manxbroadband.com)
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Presentation Tonight (12-08-08)
Monday, August 11, 2008
Radio - Internet Links
GD0BCJ (Paul) on 144.8375 Mhz @ Ballasala covering Douglas & South
GD8TMR (Phil) on 145.2375 Mhz @ Douglas covering Douglas & North
They both are registered for the CTCSS access tone 110.9 Hz
Sunday, August 10, 2008
2007 Examination results
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend
Saturday, August 02, 2008
RAYNET / RAEN (RSGB Statement)
The RSGB had put forward to RAEN a number of joint ventures such as a common RAYNET Handbook, common ID cards for all RAYNET groups and a common insurance arrangement. All of these measures were designed to assist members and to strengthen RAYNET in the eyes of the user services. Sadly, despite initial agreement, offers of cooperation on these projects was withdrawn by the Management Board of the “Network”.
Earlier this year the RSGB sent out a questionnaire to all affiliated clubs and societies seeking information regarding Public Service (including but not limited to RAYNET) activity and capabilities. This was to RSGB clubs and Societies only, yet the Network maintain that it should have been vetted by them in the first instance and that they were the “larger market force” in the UK as far as the amateur radio emergency services were concerned. The RSGB take the view that it is up to them alone to decide what should be sent to their members.
The RSGB had proposed 6 monthly meetings between the RAEN and RSGB, but this was also rejected by the Network. The RSGB remain open to further discussions as and when the RAEN decide that this is in the interests of the Movement.
Meanwhile, the Director Public Services has been tasked with producing an RSGB RAYNET ID card, seeking improvement to the RSGB RAYNET insurance and producing an operations manual. All RSGB groups are urged to continue with the excellent arrangements for cooperation that are in place ‘on the ground’ between all groups.
The RSGB will continue to represent all UK Radio Amateurs, Affiliated Clubs and Groups and its members in the unbiased way it has done so for the past 95 years.
It will continue to recognise the importance of RAYNET both in the UK and across the world and will endeavour to meet the needs of all RAYNET operators of whatever persuasion.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Update on licence training
New version of both the Foundation and Intermediate syllabus have been released which will take effect from 1st June 2009.
Addition material will be added to both Foundation and Intermediate.
Foundation will additionally cover Conductors and Insulators but the major change is to Intermediate. It will now cover some material previously in Advanced, such as Alternating Currents and Voltages. This will increase the technical level of Intermediate.
The new syllabus will not apply until 1st June 2009 so any exams held before then will still use the current syllabus.
New June 2009 Foundation Syllabus
New June 2009 Intermediate Syllabus
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Drake R8 Communications Receiver
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Tynwald Day
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Congratulations !!!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
UK Interface Requirement 2028

Ofcom have now issued the callsign GB4MNH (Manx National Heritage) and it will be used on 21-22 Jun 08 to activate “International Museums Weekend 2008” from The
We will be at the site each day and need your support to operate and help with erecting and bringing down the tower.
Licence Terms and Conditions
Following our recent discussion about licence terms and conditions, I have been in touch with Ofcom to clarify some of the issues raised. My statement about having to register on the Ofcom website was incorrect as registering your licence is not mandatory.
Here is an extract from the Ofcom reply:
Registering to the online service is only an option and not mandatory, It will be the licensee's responsibility to ensure that their details are kept up to date but every five years Ofcom will prompt licensees to ensure that their details are correct and this will form the validation process.
Licensee’s that have registered to the Ofcom Licensing Centre Services Website will be required to update the information on their licence within 5 years without the need to contact Ofcom. Please note that currently this is not an obligatory requirement but purely a mechanism allowing licensees to "self-manage” their licences.
With regard to changing your address on the web site Ofcom advise that this can be done online:
Licensees are able to change the details of both their main station and mailing address using the online service. However, if users do experience problems whilst online then they do have the option of contacting the Ofcom Licensing Centre for assistance.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Play Radio on Mad Sunday

The Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society is running a special event station on MAD SUNDAY (01-Jun-08), in conjuntion with the Southern Vintage Engine And Tractor Club using the callsign GB2MAD.
The station will be located on Ballacreggan Farm,
We did this last year and it was very successful with plenty of visitors.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
RSGB announces direct dial number
©2008 Radio Society of Great Britain
Saturday, May 10, 2008
New Society Constitution
P.O. Box 5
Halifax HX1 9JR
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Telphone calls to RSGB
For further information goto 'www.saynoto0870.com' and search for Radio Society of Great Britain; this web site can also give you alternative cheap to dial numbers for a large number of companies/organisations.
Example - Steam Packet reservations advertise "0871 2221333" use "01624 661661" it's cheaper.
Good Radio Housekeeping
Monday, April 21, 2008
Simon Brown - Ham Radio Deluxe
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Manx Emergency Communications (MEC)
Following the meeting about emergency communications held at the shack this week, it is our intension that all MEC members should have appropriate insurance and undertake suitable training for their role within the group. This involves the group and its members joining the "Radio Amateurs Emergency Network (RAYNET)". All members need to pay the insurance/membership fee of £7.20 a year. There are many other advantages to joining this group and this can be seen from "www.raynet-uk.net/main/".
Application forms and agreement forms can be obtained from "http://homepages.manx.net/butler/RAYNET application form.pdf" and
"http://homepages.manx.net/butler/RAYNET agreement form.pdf" and should be completed and sent by email to "raynet@manx.net" or posted to RAYNET, 15 Church Close, Lonan, IM4 7JY; or just bring them along to the shack. Membership payment should be made to 2D0HEB our treasurer (money puts a smile on his face!).
Any questions can be sent to the above email address.
Secretary MEC
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
GB0AOA from the IOM
GB0AOA was on the air on 1st April from Ronaldsway (Manx Aviation Club premises at the Derbyhaven end) to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the foundation of the Royal Air Force on 1st April 1918. Special Event stations throughout Britain operated from airfields which, at some time, had operated on a military basis (the Isle of Man has three such airfields, ie. Ronaldsway, both RAF and RN [still operational as the current IOM Airport]; Andreas and Jurby, both RAF but now only used in a private capacity).
GB0AOA was arranged and set up by Mike GD0HYM. An 80m dipole was erected on the previous day by Mike and Jack MD3WZU, during excellent weather conditions. During the night and for most of the operating day a gale or strong winds were experienced; fortunately the dipole survived unscathed! Forty-nine contacts were made on 80m with the IOM station putting out a strong signal throughout Britain. In addition to Mike, RAFARS and IOMARS members Arthur GD3TNS, Wilf GD0IFU and Alan GD0MWL were present on the day. The assistance given and interest shown by Jack MD3WZU was very much appreciated and welcomed. Mike has GB0AOA for the rest of the year and plans to operate with the same call sign from Andreas and Jurby and possibly once again from Ronaldsway.
Manx Emergency Communications Meeting
Please remember that this Wednesday 16-April-08 @ 19:30hrs the second meeting of “Manx Emergency Communications” will take place at the Foxdale shack.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Permitted Developments on the Isle of Man
this is posted on the Government Web Site. It may be of interest to local Amateurs as it talks about the erection of antennas and satellite dishes.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
RSGB Circular about RAYNET groups
The attached circular has been sent by the RSGB to Society/Club secretaries and it talks about changes underway to amalgamate all the different emergency communications groups.
Interestingly our committee was discussing these issues at the last meeting.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Full Licence Examination
Mobile Shack!
Recent discussions have taken place about the possibility of having a mobile shack on the
I attach details of one member’s suggestion.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Mock Full Licence Examination
RAF 90yrs old - RAFARS 70yrs old
Friday, March 28, 2008
Order your equipment via IOMARS - no postal costs.
Have a look at the latest Bargains.
CPC Latest Sale
If you would like to order anything the best way is to pop down to the Foxdale shack on a Wed evening and let us know what you wish to order.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
RSGB Membership
IOMARS is mentioned as completing 60 years continuous
membership of the RSGB.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Manx Emergency Communications
The group will meet on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at the Foxdale shack and establish radio communication where possible on a Sunday @ 18:30hrs local time on 144.6125 MHz. If that frequency is occupied, 144.775 MHz will be used. Stations unable to make contact on these simplex frequencies should call on the GD repeater.
As the group develops it will offer training and live communication exercises which should be of interest to all Amateurs what ever communication mode they like to use; all IOMARS members are welcome to join this group.
Please send your details to iomars@manx.net with “MEC” in the subject line.
Emergency Communications UK frequency planning has allocated 144.6125, 433.750, 70.400 and 51.970 for use by IOM operators.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Emergency Communications Group
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Problems with Amateur Radio Equipment Insurance
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Morse Code
Visit to Pulrose Power Station

Thanks to the MEA and their staff for a good evening.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Amateur Radio Search Engine
Thanks Stuart GD0OUD
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Protect your callsign details from being used for postal adverts!
The Radio Society of Great Britain is a customer of this company and their commercial manager (Mark Allgar M1MPA) advises that RSGB will soon be sending out a mail shot to promote RSGB membership.
It is possible to have your details removed from this mailing list by going to http://www.ukamateurmailing.co.uk/ and completing their opt out form. Alternatively ring 07847 118121 and leave your details.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Free QSL Cards
This very nice QSL Card is now available to Society members free of charge. The cards have been funded by Tower Insurance and initial allocation is 100 cards/member (more later). As the cards are used can you please keep a list of the countries where you send the cards (bring completed cards to the Society meetings for free delivery to the bureau) as our sponsors would like to know this information.
We are also working to order a further supply of free QSL cards which are to be funded by the Government (tourism and leisure), they will be a different design but like the Tower Insurance cards there will be space to put your own callsign on the back of the card.
Visit to Pulrose Power Station
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Register your new licence.
OFCOM on line help
100% Pass for the Foundation Candidates.

We are very pleased to announce that all the candidates who sat the Foundation examination this afternoon (17-Feb-08) passed!!!
Congratulations to Clare Ashworth, James Kelly, Jeanie Hill, Jack Black-Leigh, James Sawle and Tom Marsden.
Well done.
Arrangements will now be made to run an intermediate course and examination ASAP.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Foundation Candidates recomended book

If you are taking the Foundation Licence the following publication has been recomended by your tutor as a must have!
Foundation Licence - Now !
By Alan Betts, G0HIQ
If you want to obtain an Amateur Radio Foundation Licence this book is for you. This is the latest 2007 edition of the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) book that contains all that is required to obtain a Foundation licence. Even if you just want to know about Amateur Radio this book provides insight into the technical basics, receivers, transmitters and antennas. How and where to operate with your new licence are covered along with safety considerations and electromagnetic compatibility. Written in an easy to use and understand style this is the ideal book for young and old alike.
RSGB, paperback, 297 by 210mm, 36 pages, ISBN: 9781-8723-0980-4
Non Member's Price £4.99
RSGB Member's Price £4.24
Licence Book
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Foundation Candidates Letter (a copy will be posted to each candidate)
The Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society will be holding training for the Foundation licence over the weekends 9-10 February and 16-17 February 2008, the examination will take place on Sunday 17 February @ 14:30hrs.
The Civil Defence training rooms at 88, Woodbourn Road, Douglas will be used for this event and the training sessions will commence @10:00hrs and finish around 16:00hrs. As lunch will not be provided it is advisable to bring your own food, warm drinks will be available throughout the day.
The Foundation Syllabus and the Amateur Radio Licence details will be provided.
On the 17 February it will be necessary to provide photographic identification before you take the examination.
Good luck with the examination.
John Butler
Secretary IOMARS
A new solar cycle starts.
The European Space Agency (ESA) reports that the SOHO solar observation spacecraft witnessed the start of the new solar cycle.
The appearance of a very special solar spot on the sun surface a few days ago, signalled to scientists around the world that a new solar cycle had begun. This solar spot also produced two solar blasts.
Each solar cycle lasts an average of 11.1 years. The new solar cycle, called ‘Cycle 24’, started on 4 January this year, when SOHO observed an event scientists have been anticipating for about a year.
A fairly small and, at first sight, inconspicuous sunspot on the Sun’s northern hemisphere showed a reversed magnetic polarity compared to sunspots of previous years. A sunspot is an area of highly organised magnetic activity on the
surface of the Sun. This sunspot convinced scientists that a new solar cycle had begun. Later that day, this finding was made official when the sunspot was catalogued by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
SOHO was not only first in spotting this harbinger of the new solar cycle, it also observed two associated ‘EIT waves’, blast waves that spread out from active regions on the Sun like ripples from a pebble dropped into water. The new cycle started with a ‘bang’!
This is just the beginning, and scientists are now eagerly awaiting the activity to follow. Solar Cycle 24 is expected to build gradually, with the number of sunspots and solar storms reaching a maximum by 2011 or 2012, although intense solar activity can occur at any time.
The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) celebrated the twelfth anniversary of its launch on 2 December 2007. The satellite has witnessed the Sun change through almost a complete solar cycle, from quiet to stormy, and back.
SOHO is a project of international collaboration between ESA and NASA.
Information from QRZ Forums - Thanks Matty.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Foundation Training Course and Examination
The venue for this course will be the Civil Defence training rooms in Woodbourne Road, Douglas.
Candidates for the course have already completed their applications but if other people still wish to take the course extra places will be available. Please contact iomars@manx.net as soon as possible to obtain a course application form. There is a £20 RSGB fee to take the examination, tuition is free but all candidates must be members the IOMARS.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Free Electronics Calculator
Electronic Calculator
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Now's the time to use digital modes on 30 metres
The 30 Metre Digital Group is holding a digital weekend on the 10MHz band for the 48 hours of 19 and 20 January. It is not a contest but a way to help populate this band. For more information, visit www.30meterdigital.org. |
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Make your own valves
IOM Mines on the air - what do you think?
The Island has a lot of mines, see:
How about a Special Event station? The email address of DG2DCI is given in the RSGB news item for those interested in seeking more information.
Incidentally, Peter Geddes (recently awarded an MBE for work to do with IOM mines research)
is a member of the Mines Research Group and is (or was) a licensed amateur (his name doesn't appear in recent RSGB Yearbooks so he may be 'details withheld' ). He can be contacted through the website mentioned above.
Perhaps the IOMARS Committee would consider at the next meeting putting on an appropriate Special Event station?
73 de Alan GD0MWL.
Morse Code
Can anyone recommend a good quality Iambic Keyer? Or if they have one going spare I would appreciate hearing from them with regards to mow much they would like for the item. Wanted initially for connection to an oscillator for practice, but will require it for actual transceiver operation at a later date. Any help greatly appreciated, please contact James on jamessawle@manxdesigns.im
All the best