New examination fees for January 2011 Please note that from 1 January 2011, the new examination fees will be as follows; Foundation £27.50 Intermediate £32.50 Advanced £37.50 RSGB Examinations Department, November 2011. |
Sunday, December 12, 2010
RSGB Examination Fees to rise!
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Responce to the recent post on contest rule changes.
I hope this puts your mind at rest.
Ed Taylor, GW3SQX
Chairman, RSGB Contest Committee
Thursday, December 02, 2010
Matty md0man makes a new radio
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
RSGB _ RAYNET Agreement
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Changes to UK Affiliated Clubs Contest Rules
A number of changes have been made to the UK Activity Contests this year.
* In all UKACs Square multipliers will only count when the station worked is located in the UK
* A new Low Power section has been added to all UKACs
* A new section aimed at DX'ers has been added to all UKACs below 23cms. The active use of the DX cluster and chat rooms (E.g. ON4KST) will be allowed in this section, but scores will not count towards a club total.
* The 23cms and 13cms UKACs have been split. A new "13cms and above" contest will now run for 2 hours on the 4th Tuesday of each month.
* The 6m backpackers will run along side the 6m UKACs during the months of May, June, July and August.
The 4th 144MHz Backpackers contest has moved to a Saturday and will be run along side the 144MHz Low Power contest. The timing and dates for the 144MHz and 432MHz Low Power contests have not changed.
Entrants are reminded that all operators of UK stations must be RSGB members except visiting amateurs, not normally resident in the UK. However, the following contests require only that the operator is a member of an RSGB Affiliated Society (AFS) so long as the entry is on behalf of, or is related to, an entry for that AFS.
All UK Activity Contests
144MHz and 432MHz AFS contests
For all other contests ALL operators must be members of the RGSB. There is no requirement for non UK station operators to be members of the RSGB
The RSGB Contests Committee, which organises these contests, welcomes ideas, feedback and constructive criticism which can be e-mailed to or sent to any committee member.
Does this mean that IOM contacts (outside the UK) do not count as a square multiplier?
Your views would be most welcome!
Monday, November 08, 2010
Please arrive at 19:30 hrs for a meeting to commence at 20:00 hrs.
Members wishing to submit agenda items should contact the secretary GD1MIP before Tuesday 30-11-10.
Members should also note that membership fees will be due at the AGM.
Tea and snacks will be available for all attending.
The Jim Christian award will be presented at this meeting and any members wishing to submit logs for checking should also make them available to the Secretary before the end of November.
Monday, November 01, 2010
Laxey Node is now back on the air
434.500 MHz is the frequency with CTCSS 110.9
The node is located at IO74TF.
The more contacts the node has the more it's range will be understood.
Any comments to
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Possible RAYNET activity
This amateur radio emergency communications exercise is held twice a year, the next GlobalSET is on Saturday the 13th of November.
The main change this time is that it will run 1100 to 1500 hours local time, of the stations taking part.
The operation will take place on and near the emergency Centre-of-Activity (CoA) frequencies on 80, 40, 20, 17 and 15 metres.
The objectives of GlobalSET are to:
Increase the common interest in emergency communications.
Test how usable the emergency Centre-of-Activity frequencies are across the three ITU regions.
Create practices for international emergency communication and Practice the relaying of messages using all modes.
IARU member radio societies, and emergency communications group stations intending to participate are requested to register through their IARU Regional or National Emergency Communications Coordinators.
Jim Linton VK3PC
IARU Disaster Communications Committee
If local RAYNET members would like to participate in this event please let know!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
RSGB increase membership cost!
announcement, “We have all got to share the
load”, the Society has had to make the difficult
decision to raise subscription rates by £3
across all grades from 1 January 2011.
We are greatly aware of the financial
pressures that we are all under during
these recessionary times, however, for
the RSGB to maintain the services that it
provides to its members at the same level
this rise is very necessary. Over the past
few years the RSGB been increasingly
more active in representing the interests
of radio amateurs, be it with Ofcom or the
UK government but also at European and
World level. This has been necessary to
ensure the maintenance of the spectrum
allocation we enjoy, the protection of our
spectrum plus negotiations to get more
spectrum. Recent successes at 7MHz, the
introduction of Special Contest callsigns,
the continuing allocation at 5MHz lay
testimony to this. You will have read in
the pages of RadCom of our fight against
the interference caused by the introduction
PLA/PLT devices, all of this work bites into
our income. The production of RadCom,
recognised as the best Amateur Radio
magazine in the world does not come cheap
and is a key part of the membership provision.
RadCom provides the very best articles and
news, over ninety pages every month and,
despite increasing costs, it is the Society’s
intention to continue to improve RadCom
at every opportunity. Alongside of this you
continue to enjoy the best advice available
should you encounter any problems in the
pursuit of your amateur radio hobby, and
you have free use of the QSL Bureau. The
RSGB also runs many contests and the IOTA
Awards programme for you to participate in
and enjoy. To help you locally you have your
RSGB Regional teams, this is very much
your national society local to you.
For the large majority of RSGB members,
membership currently costs approximately
12p per day for Direct Debit payers and
13p a day for those continuing to pay by
Standing Order or Cheque. The increase
in the subscription fee represents adding
another 1p per day to those figures. RSGB
membership, I think you will agree, continues
to represent extremely good value for money.
There are a number of ways that can make
payment easier. You can pay one sum up
front annually if you wish or you can spread
the payments, quarterly or monthly.
The Society appreciates greatly your
support and we hope that even it these
most difficult of times you will continue
to support the RSGB in its work on behalf
of its membership and the wider amateur
radio community.
Peter Kirby, G0TWW
General Manager
Monday, September 20, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
SWR and Max power out?
Here's what the Doctor had to say:
In answer to the first question, by setting the antenna tuner to an SWR of 1:1, you have transformed the impedance at the bottom of your antenna feed line to 50 ohms, just what your transceiver is designed to deliver its rated power into. If your receiver input impedance were exactly 50 ohms, then that setting would likely also be the position that would yield maximum receiver noise. As it happens, there is no such guarantee that the input impedance of the receiver will be exactly 50 ohms. Although it should be pretty close, a slight change may yield a stronger signal into the receiver
Regarding the second question, the transceiver is rated to provide its design output power into 50 ohms, usually within a specified SWR range. As was pointed out by Eric Nichols, KL7AJ, in a QST article last year ["Keeping Current with Antenna Performance," Feb 2009, pages 34-36], an SWR of 1:1 does not generally result in the maximum power output. By building a transmission line current meter, such as described by Eric, or later by Paul Danzer, N1II ["A Simple Transformer to Measure Your Antenna Current," Sep 2009, page 35], you can actually tune the antenna tuner to get the highest output. This corresponds to the maximum current into the antenna, which may occur at some setting different from either of the above.
Be careful, though: If you exceed the maximum rated SWR, the resulting voltages or currents in the final amplifier or output filter of the transceiver will exceed design specs and damage may result. The likely small increase in transmitted power is likely neither worth the trouble nor the risk, in my opinion.
md0man - contact with the International space station
I was expecting the packet to be active, but didn't hear anything so gave a call on the voice frequencies (145.800 mhz down, 145.2 Mhz up - standard UK repeater shift - 600k),
wasn't expecting a reply, so didn't have any recording equipment ready, managed to get the phone to record the last bit of the QSO here.
He asked the country I was calling from, when I mentioned the Isle of Man, he mentioned Nicole & Chris Stott, said I tried to make contact when Nicole was on-board, but wasn't able to manage it.
Can hear me fiddling with the rotator & clunking away in the background.
Astronaut No.3 in the log & a happy Matty contact 27th August.wav
Saturday, August 07, 2010
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
New node on the all Island Network
Two frequencies are allocated to the node:
29.530 MHz, 434.500 MHz and most times 434.500 MHz will be used with CTCSS 110.9
The node is located at IO74TF.
The more contacts the node has the more it's range will be understood.
Any comments to
Saturday, July 31, 2010
TETRA not that reliable in Scotland
Friday, July 30, 2010
Friday 3rd September 19:30hrs
Friday 24th September 19:30hrs
Friday 29th October 19:30hrs
RAYNET members are asked to put these dates in their diaries.
Secretary RAYNET IOM
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Foundation and Intermediate Training/Examination
We have now set dates for the Foundation and Intermediate courses / exams.
Saturday 11th September 2010, 12:00 hours to 16:00 hours (approx) at Eary Cushlin
Saturday 18th September 2010 10:00 hours to 16:00 hours at Homefield, 88 Woodbourne Road, Douglas.
Sunday 19th September 2010 10:00 hours to 18:00 (approx) hours at Homefield, 88 Woodbourne Road, Douglas.
Training will take place on the above dates. Exams will take place on the 19th with the Foundation at 15:00 hours and the Intermediate following on at about 16:15 hours. This gives the option for successful foundation candidates to immediately sit the intermediate exam.
Membership of the society is required to join the course and / or sit the exam, this covers costs and insurance. Annual subscriptions are Adult £15. OAP £10. Students £5 and under 16 years free. Please fill in the appropriate form (above) if you have not already done so and forward it to the secretary (cheques made payable to IOMARS).
All candidates have to submit a CATCE application for each exam they want to sit (form above) please forward the appropriate form/s to the tutor, John Butler (cheques made payable to IOMARS). Fees are as follows: Foundation Exam will be £22.50; Intermediate Exam will be £27.50, so if you wish to sit both exams you need to pay £50. NB if you want to take both exams and fail the foundation examination you will not be able to take the intermediate exam.
If a candidate has any special requirements e.g. visually / hearing / mobility impaired, require a mentor during training or reader during the examination please advise the society on return of the documentation.
Dont forget to buy the books ’Foundation now' and 'Intermediate Licence - Building on the Foundation' sold by the RSGB . You need to have read the appropriate book before the course starts.
Candidates taking the Intermediate examination need to prepare a construction project, which will be assessed by one of the tutors (need to see you doing some soldering) facilities for this will be available at Eary Cushlin or before the training in the Society shack at Foxdale.
Regards John Butler GD0NFN, RSGB registered tutor & Andy Morgan GD1MIP RSGB registered tutor.
Andy Morgan (secretary)
Thal'loo Glass
The Dog Mills, IM7 4AQ
Isle of Man
John Butler (tutor)
15 Church Close
Lonan, IM4 7JY
Isle of Man
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Radio for sale.
HF 100w out, 6m-10w out, with matching Alinco EDX-1 manual antenna tuner.
Comes with home-built data interface for RTTY/PSK/SSTV etc, unit has built in switch allowing switching between data/mic modes without having to unplug the mic.
Switchable power between 10 & 100 watts, or 5 & 50 watts - ideal for newly licensed MD3/MD6.
Boxed, in good condition complete with manuals.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
GD and IM Repeaters on Snaefell Mountain
The weekend of the 11th - 12th September, may the weather be good and lots of wire in the sky. Bring your own food and drinking water and beer or just beer.
Thursday, July 08, 2010
4mt FM (70 Mhz) RAYNET
Monday, July 05, 2010
From 30 June 2010 the BBC will be taking responsibility for investigating complaints of interference to your radio and television. Until that date please continue to use the Ofcom webform or contact the Ofcom Advisory Team.
All outstanding cases with Ofcom will be passed to the BBC for action from this date. On and after 1 July, all complaints should be made to the BBC. You can find the BBC's diagnostic webform at the following address:
If, following the investigation by the BBC, there is evidence of interference caused by something outside your control and which is unlawful, the BBC may refer your case back to Ofcom for possible enforcement action.
Monday, June 28, 2010
International Museums Weekend

International Museums Weekend (26-27th June).
The Society undertook an interesting weekend at Castletown with a special event station in the Old Grammar School (GB4MNH). Antenna poles were provided by Mike for an 80 Mt dipole and Dave got involved in the erection of a tripod and a Snowdonia SRC X80 Vertical HF Antenna. Stewart and Dave operated digital modes with Steve and John and Dave did some SSB contacts; Arthur brought his key and CW was on the air and Harry tried some contacts on his FM handheld. On behalf of MNH Harry would like to thank all those who took part (and any one I failed to mention) for this gallant effort in putting the Island once again on the air. The weather was great, conditions were acceptable and fun was had by all!!
Monday, May 31, 2010
View all Earth orbit satellites
Using Google Earth you can see the real-time position of 13,000 satellites around the Earth.
The positions of the satellites are automatically updated every 30 seconds and if you click on a satellite, additional information is displayed.
Download the Satellite Database and open with Google Earth
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
70 MHz Net on the Isle of Man
At 13:00Hrs on Sunday 30th May there will be a 4mt net around the Island.
This is to test all the refurbished PMR radio’s which have recently been circulated.
The FM1000 radio’s will default to channel 10 (70.3625 MHz) and that will be used as the contact frequency (FM).
Please give a call so that we can test the band for its propagation around the Island.
Friday, May 07, 2010
Foundation and Novice Training
If you have summer holidays planned please also tell me any dates when you would not be available.
Tuesday 11 May IOMARS Meeting
Feel free to bring a friend and ask/tell other non club members to come along should they be interested.
We are hoping to record Simon's presentation and stream coverage (thanks to Matty MD0MAN and WiManx) and at some point we will hopefully upload the recording to You Tube, and maybe the Blog and Facebook.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
SOTA Weekend on 1-2 May 2010.

International SOTA Weekend will be upon us again in just under 3 weeks time. We hope that many of our active SOTA associations will have summit radio operations on that weekend. Last year's first ever International SOTA Weekend was a very big success, with a large number of SOTA activations on both days. As well as this, a large number of our associations were active. So far, it looks like our most active activators will be operating on the weekend, so it will be a typically busy weekend with SOTA operations from several different associations internationally. But what makes International SOTA Weekend special is the extra activations from the more unusual associations and regions. At present, there are no alerts or intentions for the following associations: GD, ZS, EI, HA, HB, F, SP, OH, HB0, SM, S5, PA, OD, TK, W1, W3, VP8, LX, OZ, 9H, YO, E7, W0 Some these associations are very rarel! ! y activated, while others are very new in the programme. (Some are long-time successful associations, and I am sure there will be activity from HA, HB, F and S5!). Some of the rarer or newer associations will be particularly sought after by chasers on International SOTA Weekend. This may be a good opportunity for you or other amateurs in your association to work a DX-type pile-up from the summits! May I please encourage you, and amateurs in your association, to use the SOTAwatch Alerts to announce your intentions for International SOTA Weekend, as the more alerts that appear, the greater the interest and anticipation will be. Last year was fantastic - but let's make this year even better! Very best reagrds es 73,
Friday, April 16, 2010
New IOM Echolink simplex node
It is currently on test and can be found using node number 509365.
Two frequencies are allocated to the node:
29.530 MHz
434.500 MHz
The test mode is currently running on 434.500 MHz FM from IO74TF.
The more contacts the node has the more successful the tests will be.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
For Sale
Immaculate / mint condition, comes boxed with instructions and PSU.
Only thing missing from the original package is the right angled BNC antenna, but its better used with an external antenna anyway.
Please see all the details from AOR's page below...
It has always been used indoors on a surge protected power supply, never outside or in the car.
It will be reset to factory default before sale.
It cost me £700 a few years ago and they're still not much cheaper from UK dealers.
I'm asking £450 ono for it.
Please email me on
Viewing welcome.
Mark Matthews...
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
New Society Call Sign
Thanks for that Andy, lets hope the new call get lots of use!
Friday, March 26, 2010
CQ World-Wide WPX contest
4mt FM (70 Mhz) RAYNET
Please let us know by e-mail to
GD0NFN Secratary RAYNET Isle of Man
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Power Line Telecommunications EMC
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Isle of Man Amateur gets special award
Three amateur radio (ham) operators who have made significant contributions to the Amateur Radio Service, will be honored guests when Hamvention® 2010 opens in Hara Arena on May 14.
In addition, a club of the year will be honored in keeping with the 2010 Hamvention theme, Amateur Radio Clubs Worldwide: The Lifeline.
Recipients of this year's Hamvention® awards are:
Special Achievement - Dick Ross, K2MGA for his excellent work over the past number of years on CQ magazine.
Technical Excellence - Simon Brown, HB9DRV for the invention and development of Ham Radio Deluxe.
Amateur of the Year - Jim Stafford, W4QO for 50 years of service to Amateur Radio and his support for public service and unending efforts to recruit and develop hams of all ages.
Club of the Year - North Fulton Amateur Radio League, NFARL, North Fulton, GA - Serving the greater Atlanta Area, the State of Georgia and the US with emergency services, training and the preparation of Amateur Radio in general.
" Choosing the finalists was a difficult process due to the number of fine nominations" said Frank Beafore, Chairman of the Awards Committee. This year, an additional award category was added - Club of the Year. This award honors a ham radio organization that contributes to the good of Amateur Radio.
"Although we narrowed our club choice to North Fulton, GA, we had a number of deserving candidates" stated Beafore. "The winner of this year's award is certainly a great example of the thousands of clubs and organizations around the world perpetuating our avocation".
An intimate dinner on May 15 will be held in downtown Dayton honoring the 2010 Hamvention Award winners.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
News from the RSGB Tutors letter
Change of Recommended Practice
Guidance for vehicle installation was originally contained in MPT1362 issued by the Radiocommunications Agency after consultation with industry. That role has now passed to the Federation of Communication Services and re-issued as the UK Code of Practice FCS1362.
There is a significant change in the guidance, section which will affect the Advanced examination and the Advanced course book.
The advice in MPT1362 and all copies of Advance! up to and including the 2009 reprint was to connect the transceiver directly to the vehicle battery with appropriate fuses in both the positive and negative leads. Often there is an incidental DC route from the vehicle chassis via the antenna mount, coaxial cable outer, rig and negative power lead to the battery terminal. Some vehicle load current will take that route and if the battery negative to chassis strap fails then all vehicle loads including starting current (100A plus) could. Clearly a fire risk especially for the super thin coax intended to fit round a door or boot seal.
New advice.
The new guidance is to connect the transceiver negative directly to the vehicle chassis and no fuse in the negative. (Assumes negative earth.) The positive lead should still be fused and connected to the battery or in accordance with the vehicle manufactures specific recommendation.
Remember that transceivers should be specified for vehicle use and the manufacturer’s guidance on RF power limits, antenna placement and DC supplies must be followed. Failure to do so might affect your insurance cover and questions on this point must be directed to your insurance provider.
Effect on Examinations
Vehicle installations are covered in the Advanced specification, syllabus item 9c1. It is proposed to edit relevant questions shortly. Candidates may be asked questions to the new guidance from 1 September 2010 onwards. The old practice of a fused negative to the battery will not be used as a distracter, but from 1 September an unfused negative to the battery will be a legitimate wrong answer since that has always been wrong.
RNLI SOS Radio Week report
Over £1,500 declared so far, over £2,750 expected
A month after the event and everyone's working hard to collect in the money and a great job you're doing too - thank you so much.
To-date we have cheques, cash and receipts totalling £1,526.98 and we've reports from others that will hopefully bring that total up to over £2,750 when their money/receipts are received. That's a superb achievment and one which you can be justly proud of.
We'd be really grateful if we could receive all outstanding money/receipts by the 26th March as we are now planning the 'grand' presentation and to do this we need a final total so that we can ready the presentation cheque.
In order to be able to draw a line under this year's activites we do need to hear from those of you who are yet to contact us following the conclusion of the event. Even if you did no operating during the week would would like to hear from you so that we know we're not waiting for your money.
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
Thursday, March 04, 2010
Do you have 1983 to 1986 Call sign books (UK)?
Many thanks in advance for your help.
Using the Society QSL Cards

When using the Society QSL cards, can you please ensure that it is clear where the card is to be sent to; cards have been returned to the Island because the first call sign seen is the GD or MD prefix.
If the text on the rear of the card can be changed using "TO" in the box on the right side top corner and "From" where it says "To Radio".
Doing this will ensure the cards get to the correct station.
Bring and Buy
Members will be able to display and sell unwanted items on the basis of donating 5% of the sales to the Society.
Members may also wish to sign in a guest and boost the numbers of potential buyers.
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
UK Bandplan on a spreadsheet
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Chile Earthquake
Chile Earthquake Frequencies
There are confirmed reports that the following frequencies are currently being used for emergency communications in Chile - 7095 and 7050.
The Intercontinental Traffic Net on 14.300 is also active
IRESC, the International Radio Emergency Support Coalition is on monitoring watch at level 3 for both Chile and the expected arrival of Tsunami wave at Hawaii where an IRESC member on the island reports preparations are being made
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Need a new handheld antenna?
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Update on transmitter destroyed by OFCOM
Further information is now available and we can report that the transmitter was designed to take the output from an IPod and other MP3 players and transmit on 107 Mhz so that the music could be received on an FM radio and fed through a HI FI system or car radio.
The device recovered was of poor construction, without any adequate filtering and it's fourth harmonic was on 430.825. This harmonic could be heard a significant distance away from the transmitter.
The device was purchased from Ebay and sent to the Island from mainland China; Ofcom are now looking to have the sale of this item removed from Ebay.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Latest RSGB News (March 2010)
See page 14 for IOMARS news.
RAYNET Isle of Man (incorporated in the IOMARS)
On Sunday 2nd of February, an exercise was held to assess the contribution a mobile/portable repeater would make in the event of communications failure.
At 13.00hrs Matty, MD0MAN set up a portable repeater station at a location known as the Sheep Pens, on the mountain. The frequencies to be used were the Isle of Man Raynet frequencies of 144.6125 MHz and 433.700 MHz. All available stations signed in on the GB3IM repeater network.
The stations signing in were as follows:
Each station was asked to transmit first on the 2m frequency, with the audio quality being monitored by MD0MAN at the repeater site, and also at the QTH of GD0OUD.
The exercise was then repeated using the 70cm frequency, and the following results were logged:
Station------- 2m Trans. Audio Quality------- 70cm Trans. Audio Quality
GD3TNS -----Good--------------------------- Nothing Heard
MD0HEB ----Nothing Heard------------------ Good
GD0NFN ----Good---------------------------- Poor
MD3YLX (north) Fair------------------------- Good
GD0HYM (port.) Nothing Heard -------------- Nothing Heard
GD0MWL------- Broken, v.poor---------------Nothing Heard
GD7DUZ -------- Good------------------------ Good
GD4RAG-------- Nothing Heard--------------- Nothing Heard
The exercise was completed at 13.50hrs.
GD4EIP added that 70cm reception was very poor in Foxdale, 2m was not heard, although the stations of GD0OUD and GD7DUZ could be heard clearly.
The following report was received from MD0MAN at the repeater site:
“X-band between 2m, 70cms, active from 13:08 to 13:48
X-band between 6m and 2m, 13:50, 14:00
Was an interesting exercise - 70cms didn't seem to be as good as 2m for strength, it would be good to try a couple of other sites (and using the Raynet kit) to see what can be done to cover areas that aren't served well by the repeaters (valleys etc).
The sheep pens don't seem so good for propagation towards NFN's QTH, and not so good for Port Erin / Port St Mary, although there's excellent coverage to the Castletown area.
Steve was coming in well on 6m, but I wasn't getting out so well, I'm thinking this is due to the antenna just being put up on a mag mount (Diamond CR-8900 quad band) - it really needs a 'proper' earth for 6 and 10m use.”
Thank you to all stations who took part, your patience is appreciated in what can be a long and drawn out exercise.
Please bring your suggestions, criticisms and questions to the next Raynet meeting.
Stuart, GD0OUD Raynet IOM Call out Officer.