Sunday, December 24, 2006
I like the structure which you have offered to put up at Foxdale!
I hope it won't be a hazard to a low flying space-station.....
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Committee Meeting
Please set this date in your diary.
John (gd0nfn) Secretary
29.600 FM will be attempted first of all; if this is not sucessful 28.500 SSB will be used.
Why not join in and see how many simplex local contacts can be made.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Items For Sale from the Foxdale Shack
FT101e + spare valves £50 ono
KW2000 + KW2000b + Power Supply available to collect at no cost.
FT221r 2mt multimode £25 ono
Matching 200w valve linear NAG 144XL £50 ono
FT726r multimode 2mt + 70cm + 6mt offers around £150 needs some servicing.
Trio TR7200g 2mt FM (CAR Trans.) £5 ono
Contact for further information
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
The 58th AGM of the IOMARS took place tonight and the following was agreed.
President -- Alan Crowther GD0MWL
Chairman -- Mike Dunning GD0HYM
Treasurer -- Harry Blackburn 2D0HEB
Secretary -- John Butler GD0NFN
North Rep. -- Hayden Glaister GD0BNC
South Rep.-- Dave Corkish 2D0RGW
East Rep. -- Steve Kelly GD7DUZ
West Rep. -- John Parslow GD4UHB
Tutor -- Keith Holland 2D0OHM
The annual club membership was set at:- £10 over 65yrs of age - £15 general membership
£17.50 Family membership £5 students and overseas members
Voice contact with space station astronaut
"I was listening this morning (Monday 11-Dec-06) for packet (pass started around 00:30), and heard RS0ISS calling CQ, so I hurriedly unplugged the TNC, plugged the mic back in, set the repeater shift and called, - was very, very chuffed when Thomas Reiter returned the call, had a quick chat as there were other stations calling and got 5+9 for an antenna up in the loft!
A 2mt contact from the IOMwith the space station can only be described as a great contact.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society
IOM - Department of Home Affairs - new website.
Worth having a look at the website:
Especially the Emergency Planning/Civil Defence and
Communications sections.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
International Space Station
The packet digipeater is back on again on the ISS, it's running simplex at the moment on 145.8, instead of the usual uplink on 145.990.
Can see stations heard on ISS and maps here:-
Best wishes & 73's
Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Tuesday 12th December 2006 @ 19:30hrs.
The Radio Society welcomes all people to the AGM at the Sea Scout HQ Tromode.
If you are a paid up member of the Society you have the right to be nominated or vote for new committee members. As a result of due retirements we will be looking for at least a new Chairman and Secretary.
We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.
Not strictly Amateur Radio -but about use of the radio spectrum!
From 8 December 2006, it will no longer be necessary to hold a Wireless Telegraphy (WT) Act licence in order to operate Citizens’ Band Radio equipment, providing that the equipment is operated in accordance with the WT (Exemption) (Amendment) Regulations 2006.
CB users share spectrum which is in a frequency band managed by the Ministry of Defence (MOD). This use is secondary to that of the MOD (the primary spectrum user) and it should be noted that CB users must be prepared to accept incoming interference caused by continuing use of this spectrum by the MOD.
Please note: users must understand that CB radio equipment shall be operated on a 'non-interference, non-protected' basis; that is, it shall not cause harmful interference to, and shall not claim protection from, other radio services.
Information provided by
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Radio Licensing Centre closes
The RSGB has belatedly learned that the Radio Licensing Centre closed down on 22 November 2006, and will no longer accept licence applications. Any applications they receive between now and 1 December 2006 will be forwarded directly to Ofcom.
The RSGB advises all amateurs planning to either renew or apply for their licence to wait until 1 December 2006. They should then make an electronic application to Ofcom in order to receive their free licence
Monday, November 20, 2006
Free Technical books to download
Friday, November 17, 2006
Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society
OFCOM - Amateur Radio Licences for Life
Latest news is that there will be no fee for a life-time
licence for those amateurs who are over 75 whether
the licence is 'paper-based' or 'electronic'...
Good for those who have no internet access!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
IOMARS Emergency Communications Group
('Near -Vertical Incidence Skywave' propagation using 40 and 80mt is also to be considered).
John GD0NFN (Tutor)
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society
Saturday and Sunday 4th and 5th November 2006, members of the 'Manx
Southern DX Group' used the Group callsign GD0MAN on 4m, 40m and 80m.
The /P location was at the picnic area above Ballakillowey with a good take-off over the sea to the south-east. Power levels were modest; not exceeding 35W for all bands.
Activity on 4m was patchy, especially on Saturday, but 40m and 80m were fine.
The 'DX' was limited to England and Wales but a good time was enjoyed by all.
Mike(GD0HYM) concentrated on 4m and Steve(GD7DUZ) on 40 and 80m.
Alan(GD0MWL) was active in the catering mode and received 5 and 9 for coffee
and sandwiches on both days from Mike and Steve!
Must do it again sometime....
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Do you know how to tie a good Knot?
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Silent Key
We are sad to advise that John Wills Browne GD4XWB passed away peacefully on Tuesday 10th October 2006.
John was well known to the Amateur community both on and off the
John was 95 years old.
A memorial service will take place at St Catherine's Church Port Erin - 2:30pm on Thursday 2nd November.
John's funeral is taking place at 11 o’clock Thursday 26th October, St Peters Church, Llabedr Dyfynn on the A494 between Mold and Ruthin.(Opposite the Griffin Inn).
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Who are Radio Amateurs?
In a recent survey of Radio Society of Great Britain members it was found that:
• They are affluent with 60% being HF orientated where equipment can cost
between £2000 and £5000
• Most are A1 or B1 consumers and highly skilled individuals
• 90% plus of amateurs describe themselves as PC literate
• Of the same amateurs over three quarters list PCs as an
interest they have outside radio
• 75% of radio amateurs are constructers of things electronic
• They are decision makers in their work environment
• Amateurs list DIY and gardening as major interests along with
large numbers who enjoy military history, aircraft and country pursuits
There are 60,000 licensed radio amateurs in the UK
and they make up the backbone of Britain’s Radio
Engineers, Wireless System Technicians and
Electronics Gurus.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Committee Meeting
Please advise if you are unable to attend.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
VX170 For Sale
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Llandudno rally cancelled
(from RSGB news)
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Congratulations to Keith
May we offer our congratulations to Keith MD3OFP who passed his Intermediate examination tonight (Wed 13th).
Keith can now safely climb to the top of the ladder and prepare to take the full licence. We hope to run a full licence examination on Monday 4th December 2006 (18:30hrs) any one else who would like to sit the full examination should contact John GD0NFN ASAP via
Friday, September 08, 2006
Items for sale
AKD 4Mtr TX/RX new in box (was £195) now £70.
phone 815917 if interested.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
A new licence at no cost!!
Licence for life!
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Full Licence Examination Dates
Friday 14 July 06, 18:30 - start - Friday 30 June
Sunday 8 October 06, 10:30 start - Monday 18th September
Monday 4 December 06, 18:30 start - Tuesday 14 November
Tuesday 30 January 07, 18:30 start - Tuesday 9 January
Wednesday 21 March 07, 18:30 start - Wednesday 28 February
Thursday 17 May 07, 18:30 start - Thursday 26 April
Friday 20 July 07, 18:30 start - Friday 29 June
Above are the latest Full Licence examination/application dates
John GD0NFN Tutor
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society
MEETING AT FORT STREET - Tuesday 22 August - WAB activations
Unfortunately the meeting has had to be cancelled.
However Dave and Judith will be visiting the Shack
tomorrow evening from19.30 onwards so interested
parties please come along.
73 de Alan GD0MWL
WAB Logbook
Saturday, August 19, 2006
An interesting article!
Well worth a read.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society
Radio Society of Great Britain(RSGB).
The unaudited Income and Expenditure Account for the six months
ended 30 June 2006 shows a deficit for the half-year of £18,500(for
more detail see page 86 of September RadCom).
Membership numbers were 22,987 at June 2006 compared to 23,704
in June 2005. On 3rd July 2005 there were 61,796 active UK callsigns
(England, N Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Channel Isles and Isle of Man).
This means that just over one third of active licensees support the
national body which exists to ensure the privileges enjoyed by all are
maintained and improved and not lost to pressure from commercial
interests and others,etc.
Now that there wiil be a cost free licence for life from 1st October this
year it would seem opportune for those who are not RSGB members to
consider supporting the body which serves to protect the interests
and privileges of the radio amateur hobby.
Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society
Information just published on the Ofcom website regarding
the new licensing conditions coming into force on 1st October.
Worth reading to keep up-to-date.
Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society
Congratulations to George GD3 AHV.
Sixty years continuous membership of the RSGB!
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
WAB Activity
Activity will mainly be around 7.06MHZ – 3.76 MHZ – 14.265 MHZ.
Spotting will operate from the WAB Spots facility (
If you intend to operate from the Island during this activity could you please advise GD0NFN on 439213 so that your details can be made available to the UK co-ordinator.
A map detailing the IOM parishes will be available in the next few days.
Have a FAB-WAB.
Repeater Keeper for GB3GD and GB3IM
The previous keeper Stan GD3LSF undertook these duties for the last 18years.
If you require further information about these repeaters please contact
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society
Kenwood UK announces the 'RSGB Affiliated Clubs Summer Bonus Scheme'
In brief:
If a Club Member buys a Kenwood amateur radio transceiver from a Kenwood
UK appointed dealer then Kenwood UK will pay to the Club 5% of the pre-VAT
price. The scheme will begin on 1st September 2006 and finish on 31st March
2007. Full details will appear in the September issue of RadCom.
So anyone contemplating buying a new rig(s) should give this offer some
thought - Harry HEB would be very pleased to get a boost to Club funds...!
Friday, August 11, 2006
Wednesday Evening @ the Shack
What an excellent meeting last night and at last we are moving into modern technology. A good crew turned up, and a number of interesting subjects were covered. The hat club badge, Alan is going today to get detailed costing mainly on having an embroidered jumper badge. Have a good think of any new ventures we could get involved with to improve our club image. Harry 2DoHEB
Thursday, August 10, 2006
WAB Isle of Man activity
The activity week will coincide with International Lighthouse Weekend, and there are plans to activate all three lighthouses on the Calf of Man over 19 to 20 August. All the major lighthouses on the island will also be activated on the afternoon of 19 August.
In addition, amateurs will activate the Isle of Man’s 14 Worked all Britain areas. Special QSL cards have been produced for people who make contact with amateurs on the island during the activity week. Further detail about the event can be found on the web at
A special meeting to organise this important activity will take place @ the Foxdale Shack on Tuesday 15-aug-2006 – 19:30hrs.
Maps indicating the IOM 24 Local Authorities (like UK council areas) will be available.
Arrangements will also be made to centrally co-ordinate WAB area activity and log book details (for QSL cards to be issued).
Please attend and make this week a success in promoting the Isle of Man, WAB, BARLS and Amateur Radio.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society
WAB Activity - Isle of Man- August 2006
The RSGB website and News broadcast yesterday covered the forthcoming
WAB activity in some detail - worth a look at the website.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society
RSGB - Region 3 - North West
Region 3, of which the Isle of Man is a part, now has its
own website:
Please let me know if you have any contributions to make.
At Last
Next priority is the new emergency communications group, I believe much was talked about by officials regarding lack of people to run all stages of the rally. This gives us the chance to get set up with the alternative , dont you think?
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Full Licence Training
Unfortunately I am already committed next Thursday and therefore I suggest next Wednesday (9th) is the next best option.
Please let me know if this is OK by commenting on this site or sending an e-mail to me
Friday, July 28, 2006
ISS Information from Matty!
The ARRL reports that a test of the ARISS SSTV system aboard the International Space Station may be conducted over Russia the weekend of July 29th. This news was released by the ARRL Amateur Radio News, July 26, 2006. Expedition 13 Commander Pavel Vinogradov, RV3BS is expected to test the SSTV system over Moscow using the downlink frequency of 144.49 MHz. All amateurs within range are encouraged to receive the FM broadcast.
Those of us in other parts of the world eagerly await further testing of the amateur radio SSTV system and look forward to receiving pictures from the ISS. Additional information about the SSTV system can be found on the MAREX-MG site.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society
5MHz access extended until 2010!
Use of 5MHz channels has been extended until 2010. However, all NOV's
expire on 31 July 2006 so those interested in continuing with the 5MHz
experiment will have to apply for a new NOV. Apparently two extra channels
will be available. For further details see RSGB and OFCOM websites.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Have you any comments to make?
Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society
Embroidered IOMARS badge for baseball cap/polo shirt.
I have had a word with Promenade T-Shirts in Douglas and have learned that
such a badge is possible and that the primary cost is the 'setting up'. For example
an order for one badge would attract the whole 'setting up' cost! Apparently, an order for at least 50, preferably 100, badges would be more economical. We shall have to decide on a number and then get a proper quotation.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
CEPT Foundation Licence
Have a look at this draft report -
GD0NFN Tutor.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Full Licence training
John GD0NFN.
WAB Activation
The following people have agreed to activate WAB squares during the activity week.
If you are not on this list and would like to commit to activate a square please
Send an e-mail to and let us know.
John Parslow and Phil Parker - SC27 and SC28 (Towns, Villages and Parishes).
Nigel and Paul with Myles and Jason - SC49
Dave Corkish - NX40 (principally Smeale area).
Hadyn and twins - NX30 (the Lhen); possibly SC38 as well.
John - SC48.
A N Other(s) - SC27 (at the Shack ).
Frank Goldsmith and Harry Blackburn - SC26 (PSM, Castletown)
Alan - SC16
Martyn GD3YUM - the difficult ones at SC17 and SC36 and SC47.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
WAB Map of the Isle of Man
Friday, June 30, 2006
Intermediate Training/Examination
John GD0NFN Tutor.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Foundation Examination 21-Jun-2006
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Special Committee Meeting
IOMARS Committee Meeting 20 June '06
down or flood roads...... Emergency communications!?
Saturday, June 17, 2006
New MD3*** callsigns
Where are the new MD3 callsigns ? there must be some new one’s out there PLEASE let us know. E-mail with your details then we can catch you on the radio.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Training Full Licence
John GD0NFN (Tutor)
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Foundation Licence Examination - Thursday 25 May 2006
Intermediate Licence exam in the not too distant future!
73 de Alan GD0MWL
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Foundation Examination

We are delighted to announce that 6 candidates passed their Foundation examination tonight:-
Breeshey Glaister, Kirree Glaister, Wayne Ali, Simon Holland, Keith Holland, Rhett Britton.
Well done! We look towards new MD3s on the air.
The photo shows candidates and IOMARS members who helped with teaching and the examination.
All at the IOMARS wish good luck to the 7 people sitting the Foundation examination tonight - if you are sitting the examination please be at Ford Street by 19:15 hrs and remember to bring with you photographic ID.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
GD and IM Repeaters
could see nothing has changed on the tower. Quite windy and the thrumming noise of the wind around
the antennas and tower gave some idea of what it must be like when weather conditions are really bad......
Enjoyed a nice cup of tea and a slice of apple pie in the summit cafe...
Monday, May 15, 2006
GD and IM repeaters
excess of 90mph were recorded at the Air Traffic Control tower since my last trip up the mountain on 16 April.
This could contribute to the lack of progress on the replacement of aerials. By the way the Snaefell Mountain
Railway is now in full operation.
GD and IM repeaters
of aerials. On the first platform from the ground on the tower a yellow notice can be seen, which read through binoculars,
appears to forbid higher access.... GD/IM aerials are higher than this!
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Training (Full Licence)
Please remember to bring your completed homework with you!
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Foundation Licence Additional Frequencies
It says that Foundation Licence holders will be allocated 28.000 to 29.700 mhz from 01-Oct-06.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Next Committee Meeting
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Foundation Examination
Candidates for this examination need to provide their examination fee (£20) at the next training session on Thursday 27-April-06.
John GD0NFN Tutor.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Training for the Foundation Licence will take place @ Fort Street on Thursday 19th April.
IOM Repeater Group AGM (GD and IM repeaters)
At the AGM of the
It was not possible to form a separate committee for the repeater group and therefore to ensure the survival of the repeater management organisation joining forces with the IOMARS remained the only viable option.
It will take some time to resolve the formal issues which need to be addressed (finance – status – membership etc) and it is expected that these matters can be resolved for the next AGM of the IOMARS (end of 2006).
When considering the voting papers received it was noted that they were also 100% in favour of amalgamation; voting papers from overseas members are still able to be considered.
As both repeaters are currently operating below their normal standard, it was agreed not to take annual membership fees at this time. Work is underway to resolve the current antenna situation and updates will be available from this Blog when information becomes available.
Monday, March 20, 2006
Committee Meeting
Friday, March 17, 2006
Training for the Full Licence
Examination dates for 2006-7 are a s follows:-
11-May-06 @ 18:30hrs
14-Jun-06 @18:30hrs
08-Oct-06 @ TBA
04-Dec-06 @18:30hrs
30-Jan-07 @18:30hrs
21-Mar-07 @18:30hrs
17-May-07 @ 18:30hrs
20-Jul-07 @18:30hrs.

The IOMARS would like to be able to easily communicate with it's members - to introduce them to Society activities and allow them to feed back to Committee their thoughts and ideas.
New training for Foundation and Full licence is under way - details can be posted here.
A new emergency communications group is being formed - information can be posted here.
Members like to set up skeds - information can be posted here.
The state of play with GD and IM needs to be monitored- information can be posted here.